Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chapter 122

The hired servers had just cleared the entrée dishes, taking most of Allegra’s dinner with them.  They would have taken it all if Richie hadn’t been quietly prodding her to eat the pasta by whispering ‘munchkin’ in her ear.  She’d tried a few bites, but her stomach was tied in knots and simply wouldn’t allow the food to pass through her clenched throat.

Matt and Desiree had slipped in just as the salad plates were being cleared, sitting between his father and her father and making a discreet side conversation with him all but impossible.  The only thing she could do was offer up a little prayer and hope there was no opportunity for him to mention Detroit.

Seeing Dot’s inconspicuous signal for the servers to refill the wine glasses, Allegra stole a peek at Jon.  He’d been awfully quiet and sullen, but every time he caught her eye his fingers went up for the bottle count.  Before the entrees had been served, they were at twelve.  It was difficult to be subtle with that amount of fingers flying about, so he’d taken to mouthing the count to her at that point. 

Now she could clearly read ‘fifteen’ on his lips and bit back a grin.  He was miserable, but she appreciated the distraction he was providing.

Once the glasses had been filled, Richie gently tapped a knife against his water glass, wordlessly requesting all the guests’ attention.  Conversation in the room quieted, and fourteen pairs of eyes lifted in obedient curiosity. 

With a tender smile into Allegra’s face, he nodded once and rose, urging her to stand at his side, which she did without pause.  Sliding his arm around her waist, he launched into what she knew was a genuine, unrehearsed sentiment. 

“As much as I love being on the road, I love being with my family even more.  While all of you aren’t technically family, you’re the next best thing, and I want to thank you for taking the time out of your evening to spend with us.  And I also want to thank Dot and Jon for being gracious enough to host this get together, since my house is on the other coast.”  He raised his glass to them with a nod of appreciation, but Jon just rolled his eyes and took his own glass from full to empty in two gulps.

“But in addition to that,” Richie continued, ignoring the snickers from his bandmates, “Allegra and I have some good news to share with you – our families.”

Her breathing became shallow, and a fine sheen of perspiration broke out as she observed her mother’s mouth tighten into a flat line.  She clutched at Richie’s arm to remain upright while attempting to keep a believable smile plastered on her face.

Here we go.  Oh God, I’m going to pass out.

“We haven’t been together all that long, but I think we’ve found something special in each other.”  Another relaxed, fond smile made her wonder how he wasn’t sick with anxiety.  “We have so much love between us that I’m glad we’ve been given a reason to share it.”

He tore his gaze from her and addressed the room at large, with a squeeze of her hand.  “Allegra’s pregnant.  We’re having a baby.”  The joyful smile swallowed practically his whole face, and it was so beautiful that she forgot to be nervous for a moment.  She just wanted to get lost in it.  To pretend all these eyes weren’t boring into them, and it was just the two – well, three – of them in their own private Utopia.

“Holy shit,” was the first pin to burst that bubble, courtesy of Tony.  “Didn’t see that coming, but congratulations you guys.”

“Yeah, absolutey,” David echoed, raising his glass in a toast.  “May the baby have the good qualities of both parents – which means it’s all Allegra since Richie has no good qualities.”

Richie flipped him the bird from down low, so as not to offend his mother, and the other guys at the table laughed outright.  The first smile of the night cracked Jon’s mulish features and John and Carol added their subdued congratulations to the fray of well-wishes from their children and the band. 

Allegra smiled her thanks, all the while keeping close tabs on her parents from the corner of her eye.  Her mother had paled noticeably; two pink stains on her cheekbones were the only color in her face.  Her father was staring blindly ahead, apparently stunned and speechless.

Joan, however had no such affliction.  “Richie, I’m delighted for you both!  I know how badly you’ve wanted another child.”  She pulled her son down so that her petite frame could reach him for a proper hug, and swiftly moved onto Allegra, asking, “So when can I expect to be a grandmother again?”

The sweet little woman was a balm to her frayed nerves and she returned the hug with more than a hint of gratitude.  “The baby’s due on Christmas Eve.”

“So he’s used you as an incubator to serve his ego and further his brood?”  Therese had found her opening and latched onto it with both hands. 

Lord God, please…

“Mama –“

“Exactly how far along are you?”  Therese interrupted, tossing her napkin to the table and folding her arms in a gesture of aggression.  “You’re not showing yet, so you can’t be TOO pregnant.”

Too pregnant?  Isn’t that something like being a ‘little bit’ pregnant?  “Six weeks.”

“That’s barely pregnant at all, so we can still hope for a miscarriage.  If for some reason you DON’T miscarry then I guess you’ll move back in with us so that I can take care of you.  You don’t know anything about having a baby.”

The words were so painful that they hit Allegra like a physical blow.  Her MOTHER was wishing death on her unborn grandchild.  She’d said some harsh things in the past, but how could she possibly be THAT callous and cruel?  

Her defenders were immediate and vocal as David, Tico, her Uncle John, Dorothea, and Richie all strove to put rights to the situation.  But Allegra didn’t need their help and lifted a hand to silence the attempts.

Despite the preliminary shock and pain, Allegra was stunned to realize that it wasn’t sadness that was assuaging her senses – it was white-hot anger.

I’ll live on the street before I move back in with you. 

Ice blue chips glowed with fury as they burned through Therese’s arrogant pretense.  “No, I don’t know anything about having a baby, but then again, neither do you.  Mother.”

Therese’s hands flew to her throat with a gasp, horrified that her daughter would say such a thing in mixed company.  The majority of the guests knew nothing about her adoption, and she clearly wanted it to remain that way.

Which was fine with Allegra.  She didn’t feel compelled to expose that particular family secret, but her mother WOULD understand that she wasn’t the only one who could exert their authority around here.

“It’s not so nice to have someone you love and trust slap you in the face, now is it?  Just when I think I’ve gotten used to it, you come out with something even more atrocious than the last insult.  I thought after Florida, things were going to be better between us.  Again, I was wrong.”  She pulled her hand free from Richie’s and shoved the chair away, stepping away from the table.  “I’m having a baby, Mama.  Your grandchild, if you choose to see it that way.  When you can be happy about it, maybe we can talk again.  Until then I will gladly consider myself disowned.”

Matt’s face had been a study of concentration and bewilderment during the exchange.  He had important questions in his eyes, but the two women hadn’t given him an opening to ask.   Just as Allegra was rounding the table to leave the room, he seized his opportunity, unable to stifle his concern.  “Six weeks ago was Detroit.  Are you sure it’s Richie’s baby?”

Well, THAT started a whole new cacophony of exclamations around the room and stopped Allegra in her tracks.  There was an intense throbbing in the crown of her head that she found a little peculiar.  The room swam just a little and her hand came to rest on the nearest shoulder to steady her.  It happened to be Dorothea.

“Matt –“  Richie tried to speak, but Allegra’s free hand once again flew up to silence the room. 

“No, Mother, I’m not a whore who doesn’t know which of my many lovers is the father of my child,” she proclaimed without bothering to look at Therese.  “I was raped in Detroit.  Silly me didn’t want to worry you, so I didn’t mention it.”  She shrugged.  “I shouldn’t have been concerned.  You would’ve found a way to make it my fault, no doubt.  Now if you’ll excuse me.”

“I’m going with you,” Dorothea rose, giving her husband a pointed look.  “Jon, please see your aunt and uncle OUT.”

Richie was shaking with an unfamiliar rage.  His happy-go-lucky attitude could only go so far when the woman he loved was being verbally brutalized.  He pressed his palms flat against the table to still them and lean menacingly toward Therese.

“I also thought you would’ve mellowed after Florida.  I don’t know what your problem is but…” Ice coated his words, making them as cold and sharp as icicles.  “You are to stay far, far away from her.  Eventually, if you can prove to ME that you can be the loving and supportive mother she swears you’ve always been, THEN I may let you see her and the baby.  But make no mistake, MRS. Castanelli… they’re both mine and you’ll hurt them again only over my dead fuckin’ body.”

He had taken three strides toward the door when Therese’s voice followed after him.  “Are you going to marry her?”

Richie spun on his heel abruptly, marveling at the gall of the woman.  “You’ve effectively made that none of your damn business.”

Jon decided that it was time to get his ass out of his chair and fulfill his wife’s request.  Enough was enough

“Aunt Therese, I think it would be best if you and Uncle Michael left,” he suggested.  “Staying isn’t going to help anything right now.  Everybody’s wound up and likely to say things they’ll later regret.”

Michael was already halfway to the door, blowing by Richie without bothering to make sure his wife was following him.  He’d been silent throughout, and Jon wasn’t sure if it was because he was pissed at Richie, Allegra, the situation or Therese.  He was just thankful Allegra’s father hadn’t contributed to the toxicity in the room.  Jon felt sorry for the man, and wondered briefly if his aunt needed professional help.

“SOME of us might, but others don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s feelings,” Richie remarked caustically, locking eyes with Therese.  His tone softened considerably as he addressed his own mother.  “Ma, I’ll be right back.  I’m gonna go check on Allegra.”

“Of course, dear.”  Joan waved him away, turning her own attention toward her future grandchild’s other grandma.  “You know, we’re in the same position, you and me.  I have to admit I was a little shocked at the news, but never once did I think to be so…  horrid to my own child OR yours.  Allegra is a wonderful young woman, in spite of you, and I feel fortunate to now have her as a part of my family.  Lord knows she could use the extra love.”

“You don’t know me,” Therese replied, shoving her chair abruptly backward, eyes still snapping.  “So please don’t presume to judge my actions.”

The last thing he needed was a motherly throw-down in the dining room, so Jon approached his aunt carefully, circling an arm around her.  “Uncle Michael is waiting for you,” he reminded softly, as not to incite her further.

With no more than a terse nod, she followed the path her husband had taken only moments before, her steps stiff and back ramrod straight.

Jon breathed a sigh of relief as  the front door slammed.  A low whistle resonated through the room, and everyone swung their heads to its source – David.  “Daaaaaamn…  That woman is a BITCH.”

“She hasn’t always been that way,” John informed them quietly.  “I think there are things going on with Therese that we’re not aware of.  At least I hope so, because that woman is not my sister.”


Richie was determinedly putting a muzzle on his anger before he got to Allegra, understanding that she didn’t need any more upset than she’d already endured.  This baby was going to come out a human stress ball if they didn’t get a handle on things.  She was probably sobbing on Dot’s shoulder in the kitchen, if he had his guess.

Whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, reality was a far cry from that vision.

“Goddammit!” Allegra was screaming and pounding on the dark countertop with the flat of her hand.  “How the FUCK does she dare say those things to me?  She keeps me on a friggin’ pedestal my whole motherfuckin’ life and when I fall off and become a real person she transforms into this hideous BITCH who would give Heather a run for her money.  I DON’T DESERVE THIS!”

Richie was temporarily taken aback.  Jersey girl or not, those words were not a part of her normal vocabulary, but they came flowing effortlessly in her rage. 

The Bongiovi temper had been a long running joke in all the years he’d known Jon, because of his hot headedness.  He had nothing on Allegra today.  She was angrier than Richie had ever seen anyone – including Jon.  Her color was as high as her pitch, eyes taking on a glassy, vacant appearance and her body was trembling all over. 

Richie’s blood began simmering again.  Allegra didn’t talk or act this way and he was putting the blame squarely on Therese’s shoulders.  He met Dot’s lifted eyebrows with a scowl.

She’d better be gone when I get back.

Taking a breath amid her tirade, Allegra noted that he’d entered the room.  Whipping her head up, she barked out a humorless laugh, before wincing as though in pain.  Pressing a hand to the crown of her head, she toned down her fury and addressed him in a somewhat more conversational voice.  “At least nobody tried to push you into proposing.  All that worry for nothing.”

The sarcasm wasn’t lost in him, and he briefly considered not telling her, but Therese wasn’t worth the deceit.  “After you left, she asked if I was going to marry you.”

Glassy eyes immediately widened in astonishment.  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, no she didn’t!”  At his nod, she smacked her hand to the counter again and cursed, demanding, “Well, what did you tell her?”

“That it was none of her damn business.”

“Good answer!” she approved with an emphatic nod, eyes squeezing shut for an instant.  “Oh my GOD, that pisses me off!”  She stalked over to the sink, heels clattering on the tile until the throw rug at its base muffled her steps.  Palms on the rim of the sink, she braced herself with stiff arms, looking out at the path to the guest house and fuming. 

Richie nodded at Dot in a silent request to leave them, and she complied only after pinning him with a threatening glare.  She needn’t have worried.  He would do anything to erase what happened, and sure as hell didn’t intend to do anything that would make it worse.

The guilt crashed over him in a monumental wave.  She tried to tell him, but he’d refused to believe that anyone could be unhappy about a new baby.  Not only had Mommy Dearest not been happy, she probably would’ve terminated the pregnancy with a dinner fork if she’d gotten close enough.  There was something seriously not right about Therese Castanelli.

“I’m going to make sure the ‘mess’ in the dining room has been cleared,” Dorothea offered by way of departure.

The kitchen door whooshed shut and Richie stepped in behind Allegra, slipping his arms around her waist.  His mission now was to calm her rage before she popped a blood vessel.

“Relax, baby.  Take some deep breaths.”  A gentle tug urged her to lean back against his chest, where he rested his chin in her hair and gently swayed from side to side.  “I’m so, so sorry.  You were right.  No more family dinners.”

Her body stayed rigid for many minutes, but he patiently rocked and whispered words of comfort and affection until her muscles began to unwind and she melted into his frame.  The weight against him felt good.  It felt right.  He hated the circumstances, but he loved it that she was leaning on him for once, literally OR figuratively.

Wondering how she was coping, he jostled her, quietly asking, “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

Her response wasn’t immediate and he worried that her emotions were plummeting from the angry adrenaline rush to a much lower valley.  Then Allegra squirmed in his embrace until she was facing him, hot little hands skating under the hem of his shirt.  The look of pure heat in her eyes staggered Richie and nearly knocked him on his ass. 

“Make love to me.  Now.”


fivefivegenie said...

Wow. And I thought my dad was bad when I made the same announcement oh so many years ago. At least he didn't wish my son dead. What a horrible, cruel woman Therese is. She'd deserve it if she never got to see her daughter or grandchild again.

And, I can't wait til the next chapter. I have a strange feeling things are going to get a bit steamy in here!

Summer said...

Well fuuuuuuuuck (pardon me). What a bitch. I'm convinced she's bipolar. She claims to be a Catholic and she's wishing death on her grandchild?! Good Lord.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was quite the "dinner party"! I was :O the whole chapter!! And btw BEST OF LUCK with your studies. As always, can't wait for the next :) -ferfy0

Anonymous said...

You love leaving us like that wright?!?!?!
Great chapter!!!!

Kris said...

In Dot's kitchen? Now? LOL

Erin said...

Great chapter...probably not the 1st time the kitchen was

ps-i never got an email alert.

Emerald Isle said...

Holy Hell!!! The steam from Allegra was practically hissing out of my laptop!! Brilliantly written!! Amazing!!

Anne said...

Less than three weeks ago, when I found this, I thought I could pace myself, just one or two chapters a day, so the story would last me months... And here I am, finished even with today's chapter. But hey, I had to work, and last week I had a language course so I could not really read all day, every day ;-)

You are a fantastic writer (of course the subject is most gripping, too), keep up the good work :-)

Anonymous said...

Holy Hell is right!! We all knew her mom would react badly.

This badly? Maybe not, but I'm gonna step out on a limb here and say nothing is wrong with Theresa. I am not defending or judging Theresa. She raised Allegra in a way that she felt would honor her dead sister. She must see the choices that Allegra has made as a bad reflection on her sister's memory and in turn is thinking that she had failed horribly as a mother & sister. That kind of a burden (to live up to a ghost) makes you judge yourself a lot harder than normal. The biggest surprise to me was that the father said nothing. To me his silence spoke volumes.

Anyway, I love how dynamic Allegra's character is. From the beginning, this story has had me wondering what will happen next.

Anonymous said...

Oh my good Lord! What on earth is wrong with that woman, there has to be something that she's not telling anyone! And I really didn't expect that ending to the chapter. I hope that they won't get into an arguement. Now I REALLY need another chapter!