Thursday, April 21, 2011


Richie’s eyes softened with affection when he realized that Allegra wasn’t just resting her head on his shoulder – she was dozing.  The pain medication had knocked her out again.  After three days, she’d cut back significantly, but still needed a little of the sleep inducing relief it offered.  There was no better opportunity to sleep than on a plane, anyway.

They were aboard the Jovi Jet, en route to Philadelphia after wrapping up the two Montreal shows.  Well, really they were headed to New Jersey and the Bongiovi estate.  When they were that close to home – any of their homes – it was preferable to a hotel.  David and Teek would probably head to his place in Colts Neck, but Richie would be staying with Allegra in Jon’s guest house.   They were all looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet considering recent events.

Two detectives had come knocking early the morning after the attack, seeking answers to questions for their investigation.  With Jon and Richie on each side of her, Allegra told them much the same information she’d shared with them the night before.  When asked if she knew the culprit’s identity, “Felix” was the only answer she was able to give, along with the fact that he was a former Bon Jovi employee.  She’d never known his last name, and Jon didn’t offer it immediately. 

He merely apologized to the detectives, stating that he was horrible with names and would have to check the employment records to be certain.   Jon assured the detectives that someone would contact them with the information as soon as possible, saying, “No one wants to see this man brought to justice more than me and my family.  I guarantee you, we’ll do everything in our power to make that happen.”

The detectives reluctantly agreed to wait, seeing as they really had no other choice.  Instead, they pressed forward with questions regarding the group’s travel plans. 

“How long will you be here in Detroit?” the man calling himself Detective Brown asked Richie.

“We’re all leaving today for Montreal.  Allegra will be staying with us until we return to Philadelphia on Sunday.”

Despite having no prior knowledge of the fact, Allegra didn’t offer any contradiction to his statement. 

Immediately after the door closed behind the detectives, Richie raised the subject by first apologizing.  It hadn’t been his goal to blindside her, but it didn’t make him any less unyielding about his intentions.

Uncharacteristically demanding, Richie made it clear that he wasn’t letting her out of his sight for the next few days, and didn’t want her to be left unattended for a minute.  Security would available when the band was tied up with performances and sound checks, but other than that, he wanted Allegra with him.  Nothing else was going to ease his mind just yet.

Allegra surprised him by listening silently and then agreeing with no argument.  All she’d done was nod her head and say, “I need to call Sister Mary.”

It was an unexpected victory that was of little comfort when faced with the outcome of the ‘morning-after’ pill discussion.  Allegra remained adamant that she wouldn’t take it, even after he’d gone so far to say that it wasn’t her place to do penance for someone else’s mistake.  None of it made a dent in her resolve.    She was flatly insistent that nature take its course, reminding him yet again that they were putting the cart before the horse. 

So he’d bitten his lip, and later taken a tongue lashing from Jon as a result.  Not that he actually let it bother him.  He was quite aware that Jon was venting his frustration at the situation more than anything.  They were both more than aware of her obstinate nature, and knew that no amount of cajoling was going to change her mind once she’d set it.

Inside Richie was still conflicted about the whole dilemma, but agreed to try and not worry, pending the arrival of her period next week.  Until then, everyone was holding their breath and waiting.

Well, not everyone.  In the end, Allegra had selected the chosen few with whom to share the true story of her injuries: Tony, David, Tico and Dorothea.  The rest of the world – including her family – would be told that she took a nasty tumble down a flight of stairs.  

He was secretly relieved that she’d elected to include Tico and Dave.  Until the Felix problem was resolved, having two extra sets of eyes watching out for her made everyone rest easier.  Even though, much like Jon, David had given Richie hell at first and placed the blame squarely on his shoulders.  “Goddammit Sambora, why did you let her go downtown alone?  Are you a fuckin’ idiot?”

Allegra had quickly rejected the accusation with a firm hand.  “Since when has anyone been able to tell me what to do?  Richie did everything but beg me to take an escort, and I ignored him.  If anyone’s to blame, it’s me.” 

That had shut David up in a hurry.  He’d pulled her into a gentle hug, assuring her that none of it was her fault.  He couldn’t let Richie off completely scot-free, so he tossed in another dig intended to make her laugh.

“If you were my girlfriend, I’d never let you go someplace alone just because I was busy playing  Barbies with some angry, anorexic models.” 

She’d grinned as wide as her split lip would allow and patted his cheek affectionately. “I love you David.”

“Back at ‘cha, Legs.  I mean that.”  For once the Joker had been deadly serious, giving Allegra soft kiss on the forehead.

Richie had scowled and struggled to contain the immediate ugly, green jealousy that shot through his veins.  She hadn’t said those words to him since the attack, and he hadn’t realized how it bothered him until that moment.

Had he told her either?

Quickly sorting through his memories of the past days, he recalled multiple occasions in which his heart swelled in awe of her strength and courage.  How could anyone not be amazed by her?  Other than the re-telling of the attack, she gave all appearances of moving beyond the whole horrible incident. 

The first day, she was a little quieter than usual, but then her behavior was typical Allegra.  She got actively involved in whatever was going on at the time, whether it be joking with David, quarreling with Jon, or just hanging out with the guys.  On the occasions that work beckoned the men, she spent time at the hotel either on the phone or crawling through old YouTube videos of the band, collecting insults to deliver over their big hair and wild clothes. 

The only thing remotely out of the ordinary was the way Allegra behaved with someone behind her.  It was subtle, but he realized she got upset when someone approached from behind and she couldn’t see them.   He’d discovered it in bed the second night, moving to spoon himself up against her back.  She hadn’t said anything, but he’d felt her twitch with surprise and stiffen.  Her only intentional reaction was to maneuver onto her back so that she could see his face. 

After that, he’d discreetly paid attention to her body language when they were with the others.  It soon became obvious that she purposefully placed her back against a wall whenever possible.  Even that, she didn’t make a show of.  If he hadn’t been specifically looking for it, he never would’ve known. 

Richie didn’t know how, but she wasn’t dwelling on it, or allowing any of them to either.  Her easy acceptance of the situation was a little disturbing.

“You look so serious,” her drowsy voice murmured as she lifted her head and sought a more comfortable position in the seat.  “Are you that worried about meeting my parents?”

One of the phone calls she’d made was to schedule the family dinner they’d discussed.  Four Bongiovis, two Samboras and three Castanellis would be sharing a meal at Jon’s house the next evening, but Richie honestly hadn’t given it a second thought after calling his Ma with the date and time.

“I was actually thinking about you,” he told her with a kiss to the tip of her nose.  “And how well you seem to be coping with everything.  Is it real or are you putting up a brave front?”

Two blue eyes studied him as she considered the question.  The swelling had gone down enough so that both eyes were visible now, and her bruises had smudged to a lighter shade of purple. 

“I’m coping the only way I know how,” she finally said.  “That happens to be by thinking about it as little as possible.  It doesn’t deserve that kind of attention, and I’d rather focus on living my life.”

“The words sound good if you really feel that way.  But if you decide you need to talk?  I’m here for you.  Hell, we all are, and if we can’t help, we’ll find someone who will.”

She pressed her palm to his cheek with a soft smile.  “Thank you, but I’m honestly fine.  I know the police report says that something awful happened to me, but all I remember is getting beat up.  I can and WILL get past that.  He doesn’t get the power to take away my life.”

“You’re one of a kind,” Richie murmured, turning his head to kiss her open palm.  “I don’t know how you do it.”

With a laugh, she said, “It’s not a big mystery.  I do it with the love of my family and friends.  They need me to be okay, so I will.  It’s as simple as that.”

“And where exactly do I fall in there?”

She shrugged and met his eyes with a guarded expression.  “That’s your decision to make.  Do you still love me?” 

“What kind of question is that?”

“An honest one.  You’ve been very caring and attentive the past few days, but you never mentioned love.  Considering the circumstances, it wasn’t unreasonable to think you might need some time.  Maybe even wait and see how things turn out.”  Her gaze drifted out the plane window, seemingly engrossed in the clouds below.

White hot anger and hurt blasted through Richie, and he resisted the impulse to unleash them.  “My God, Allegra, what kind of a prick do you think I am?”

“I don’t think you’re a prick at all.  I think you’re a man that’s been dealt a difficult hand, and I’m allowing you to play it however you see fit.”

“Let me tell you something.”  He grasped her chin with a growl and forced her eyes to meet his, ready to call bullshit, but the words died on his lips.  Her gaze was unyielding, the blue pools of her eyes swimming with unshed tears.  His righteous indignation fizzled  from a raging blaze into a pitiful puff of smoke.   “Shit.”

With a sigh, he released her chin and carefully pulled her close.   His voice was quiet and calm again when he said, “I thought I made this clear the other night – I’m not going anywhere.  My decision about you – about us – was made before all this started.  I love you, Allegra.  That doesn’t change because some sick, twisted fuck did horrible things to you.  I’m sorry I haven’t told you a thousand times since then, but believe me now when I say that I love you more today than yesterday or the day before.”

He held his breath, waiting for a sign of her acceptance.   Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait long.

“I love you, too,” she whispered against his chest.


David leaned back in his seat, willing his body to relax.  He’d gone stiff the minute Richie’s angry voice had reached his spot a few seats back and across the aisle.

“You wanna tell me what’s got you so uptight?” Tico’s deep voice grumbled around the unlit cigar in his mouth as he looked up from his newspaper.

He slapped on his Joker grin.  “Sexual frustration, same as you old man.  I’m ready to be home for a couple of days.”

“Don’t play me for stupid, Lemma.  You haven’t taken your eyes off her since we left the ground, and you were just about to beat the hell outta Rich for the tone of his voice.”

The grin slid slowly away. 

The old man always sees more than we think he does.

“I’m worried about her, so what?  Aren’t you?”  He nonchalantly lifted his right ankle to rest on his left knee and bounced his foot.

“I am,” Tico agreed.  “But she’s safe here on the plane.  Richie’s not the one who’s gonna hurt her.”

David contorted his face into a scowl and dropped that same foot back to the floor.  “He’d better not.”

With a sigh, Tico slowly folded the newspaper and tossed it on the seat next to him.  “Man, what’s the deal here?  You’re engaged, they’re in love, and yet you’re still acting like some jealous ass.  That’s not the way we play, and you know it.”

David dropped his head back against the seat with a huff.

“Dammit, T, don’t ya think I know that?  I can’t help it, she’s different - gorgeous, smart, funny, kind.  NONE of us are good enough for her.  I just wanna protect her from the world and everybody in it.”

“She’s family; of course you wanna protect her.  But remember that’s ALL she is.  Don’t fuckin’ make me get in the middle of this.  It won’t be pretty.”

Tico could be so dramatic.  David didn’t want to fight Richie for her hand in marriage – not really.  He didn’t think. 

“There’s nothing to get in the middle OF, you fuckin’ mafia godfather.  Jeeee-zus!”

He just couldn’t get away from feeling responsible for her.  There was a huge soft spot in his heart when it came to Allegra, and he’d fight hell and high water to keep her safe.  Tico just assumed he was thinking with his dick.

“Go home, screw your woman, then screw her again and again until you stop thinking about the good little Catholic girl, Jew boy.”

It was easier to let T believe what he wanted, so David crooked his eyebrow, and reverted back to the Joker persona.  “Daaaamn.  You don’t think she’d convert, huh?”

That drew a chuckle from his buddy.  “Probably not.”


Anonymous said...

That was sweet. I wonder what is up with David. I hope it's just that he really cares for her, because Richie and Allegra are in love and David is getting married! I wonder how this dinner with the family is gonna go! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Riku said...

Awww, David loves her! God, that's been painfully obvious to everyone but him for a while, lol! But bless him, that curl-topped keyboardist does make me smile a lot! Thanks for another great chapter!

Anonymous said...

So, David has some 'interesting' feelings for Allegra and Tico knows it. Don't know who I'd be more scared of Dave, if I were you I'd keep those feelings wrapped up, although it would make an interesting twist to the story.


Sambora_Wanted said...

You capture Dave & Teek so well!