Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chapter 26

After enjoying dinner with Jon and the guys, she settled back into her room, rebellion still weighing heavily on her mind.

Allegra had already determined that Tico’s assessment was dead on, and rather than be ashamed of the fact, she was going to embrace it fully – with no regrets.  There were things that she hadn’t experienced in this life, and she intended to indulge before settling for reality. 

Soooo….  Where to next?  So far, she’d managed to defy authority, run away, join a rock band - kinda, get drunk (that one may bear repeating) and get a tattoo.  Now… what did that leave unchecked in the Deeds of Defiance column? 

Drugs?  No thank you very much.  After a certain age, you couldn’t pretend there weren’t consequences to your actions. 

Smoking?  Um, no on that one too.  Lung cancer was not on the to-do list.

Gambling?  Too bad she wasn’t going to Las Vegas with them. 

Stealing?  Goes back to that consequences thing again.

Promiscuity?  Now THAT was an idea.  Maybe not promiscuity, but she could stand to indulge in a passionate bout of wild, meaningless sex.  Well, semi-meaningless anyway.  She had waited this long, and it was going to mean something to her, even if her partner didn’t have a vested interest. 

With no intention of becoming the dreaded groupie whore, she wanted to choose her encounter carefully.  Someone who knew how to please a woman…  

Richie’s hot chocolate eyes and dimples flashed in her mind, and a delicious shiver accompanied the vision.  Even in her carnal innocence, she instinctively knew that he’d please a woman.  And there was no two ways about it – the man was sexy.

Recalling David’s words from the High Dive, who better to engage in a sexual rendezvous with than a self-proclaimed man-whore?  She wouldn’t complicate things with messy emotional entanglements.  He should find that appealing, right?

The idea took seed in her mind, and she couldn’t get away from it.  Allegra wanted Richie Sambora for her birthday.  She just had to figure out how to get him to cooperate.

This salon/spa day may need to be ramped up to a total makeover.  If you were to believe Matt and Tony, she looked like a total slob on a regular basis, so a little ‘enhancing’ should at least get his attention.  And that red dress…  She grinned and went to pull it from the closet, hoping that it fit her as well as she remembered.

Shimmying out of her jeans and long sleeved tee, she caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror.  Cotton panties and bra.  It didn’t exactly scream, ‘do me’.  Hopefully there would be time for a quick trip to Victoria’s Secret tomorrow, too.

Before she could remove the dress from the garment bag, her phone rang, showing a number but no name.  She recognized the New Jersey area code, and answered to find Dorothea on the other end.

Dot didn’t waste any time in getting to the point.  “Allegra, I just talked to Jon.  He said you’re coming home this weekend.”

“That’s right.  He invited me to stay in the guest house, but nothing is definite yet.”

“What did he do to run you off?” her cousin’s wife demanded.

Laughing, she said, “Who’s to say he did anything?”

“I did.  We’ve been married twenty years.  I know the man.”

Allegra briefly explained the same things she’d told Jon about the job and reality, absolving him of any wrongdoing in the process.

Dorothea still didn’t sound convinced.  “Well, I don’t have any proof, so I’ll let him off the hook.  For now.  I’m still sure this is his fault, but I’ll switch to a more pleasant topic.  I hear we’re going to go do a girl’s day out tomorrow?”

“Yeah.  If that’s okay?  He kind of volunteered you and Steph, and while I think it sounds like fun, I hate to tie up your day with something you don’t want to do to.”

“Don’t be silly, it does sound like fun and Stephanie will be thrilled.  What is it you want to have done?”



“I want a total makeover.  Hair, face, fingers, toes, legs, et cetera.”

“Any particular reason why?”

“To be real honest about it, there’s someone whose attention I’m trying to get.” 

A sly smile spread across Dot’s lips.  Et cetera made a hell of a lot more sense now.  “And is this someone a certain guitarist that we all know?”

Allegra hesitated before answering.  She didn’t have any close female friends, and there was no way she would talk to Dave or Tico about this.  Dot should be okay with it, considering what she said before they left Hawaii.  What the hell…

“I trust you won’t say anything to your watchdog husband?” she indirectly admitted.

“There’s no point in giving him a stroke until you see how things work out,” Dot assured her.  “I’m excited for you, Allegra.  If it’s what you want, then you’ll have him wrapped around your little finger in no time.”

Dorothea sounded pleased, so Allegra thought she’d push her luck a little bit.  “Dot, I know you and I haven’t been all that close, but could I use you as a sounding board for a minute?”

“We haven’t been close because we haven’t had the opportunity.  I’d very much like to change that, so sound away,” she invited.

“Being married to Jon, blunt words are no stranger to you, so I’m just going to say this.  I want Richie.  Want him so badly that I shiver every time he comes near.  And, since you know where I’ve been living most of my life, you’ll probably put it together that I’ve never indulged in that kind of want before.”

“You mean you’re a virgin.”

Allegra laughed.  “Yeah, blunt words are definitely no stranger to you.”

“Facts are facts.  There’s no point in sugar coating it.  What I want to know is if it’s just a physical desire, or if there’s something more there?”  As much hell as she gave Richie, he was essentially a member of the family.  Dot had to try and make sure everyone’s interests were protected.

“We’ve become friends, and I like him, but I’m not going to examine it any further than that.  Richie’s been with a different woman practically every night since the tour started.  He isn’t looking for a relationship, and I’m not asking for one.”

“Okay then, so other than subtle threats, what were you looking for from me?”  Allegra could hear the wry humor in Dorothea’s voice.

“I’ve never done this.  Tried to seduce a man.  I mean, I’m looking at my cotton panties thinking this is not the way to go.  How do I get him to want me?”

“Oh sweetie, men are easy.  All you have to do is breathe and wear your hair down.  The rest is just to see how many nails you can drive into the coffin.”

Allegra wasn’t convinced.  “You can say that.  You’ve spent the last two decades learning how to work Jon.  I don’t know if I have the confidence to pull this off.”

“Bullshit.  Girl’s day out wasn’t the only thing Jon told me about tonight, and I’d like to talk about what’s going on with you sometime soon.  But my point is that you have more balls than he does, Allegra!   Let me tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow.  We’ll do the salon thing and stop by Vicky’s to replace the granny panties, if you want.   After all that’s finished, and you step into that gorgeous red dress… you’ll feel invincible.  You’ll ooze a confidence and charm that will draw men from across the room.  And when you direct it toward our Mr. Sambora – he doesn’t stand a chance.  I guarantee it.”

“I don’t know Dot.  You have a whole lot more stock in me than I do.  I guess only time will tell.”

♫    ♫    ♫

“Allegra!”  Stephanie rushed across the hotel lobby toward her, arms open for a hug.

“Hey Steph!  How was the trip?”  Allegra was just coming from the front desk, where she’d been speaking to the concierge about an extra room key.

The teenager rolled her eyes.  “Oh my gosh, it was sooooo long and boring!  Jesse kept falling asleep on me and snored the whole way.”

Laughing at the dramatic recount, Allegra patted Jesse on the back.  “Is she just trying to make you look bad, buddy?  I’m sure you didn’t do anything but listen to your iPod, right?”

“There’s not much else to do on a five hour flight,” he grumbled, but slipped his arm around Allegra for a quick hug.

“Except argue with your sister.”  It was Dot’s turn to roll her eyes.  “Why do I let Jon convince me that flying commercial is the easiest thing to do?  There is nothing easy about it.”

They waited for the bellboy to bring their luggage into the lobby and boarded the elevator to the floor they were occupying.  Allegra asked about the two younger boys, and found out that they were staying with their grandparents.  Dad on tour had no appeal for them, and they were anxiously waiting for Dot to get back and take them to the Westminster dog show on Saturday. 

They parted ways upon exiting the elevator, but not before Allegra gave her room number to Dot, making arrangements to meet up with the female Bongiovis after they’d unpacked.  Jesse would spend the day following Jon around.

♫    ♫    ♫

When they gathered into the back of the town car that would be taking them to the salon, Stephanie could hardly contain herself. 

“Okay, now that Jesse’s not here, we can really talk.  Mom says you’re trying to get Uncle Mookie to notice you!  Can I just say that I think that it would be AWESOME if you guys hooked up?  I can SO see you together.  He’s so spiritual in a non-religious kind of way, and I know that you’re not doing that whole religious thing anymore, so it’s perfect!  After that last girlfriend, I just want him to find somebody normal!”

Dot mouthed to Allegra, “She overheard part of the phone call.  I had to do something.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Steph!  What are you talking about?”  She looked at Dot with incredulity, unable to believe that she’d told Stephanie about their conversation.

Dorothea’s voice was firm.  “Stephanie, you’re twisting my words.  When we talked about this, I told you that Allegra’s just ready to do something frivolous for a change.   It doesn’t have anything to do with Richie.  He’s just a gauge to measure the results of her makeover by.  You know that they haven’t really gotten along since they met, and if he notices her in a good way, she’ll consider it a success.  She’s looking for a confidence boost before she decides to join the dating world.”

In teen language, her mother’s words were, “Blah, blah, blah, makeover, blah, blah, blah Richie, blah, blah, dating.” Stephanie didn’t see how that was different than what she’d just said and fluttered her hand in a ‘whatever’ gesture.  She settled back, looking out the window and anxious to reach the salon. 

♫   ♫   ♫

Jon had made, or had someone make, appointments with the various salon specialists for each of them.  Allegra started with hair and eyebrows, while the other two went to nails.  “Dot?”  she called after her.

“What is it?”

“Can you help me decide what to do with my hair?”  Allegra looked terrified.

“Of course, honey.  Let’s see what the stylist has to say,” she suggested, turning to the obviously gay man for his input.

“My name is Lance, and may I say that you have a beautiful head of hair?”  With that, he didn’t stop talking for the next two hours. 

Afterward, Allegra decided that it was worth the price.  Lance put in deep auburn highlights, giving her ebony tresses a warm depth that they’d never seen, while still complementing her skin tone. He then cut her hair into long, soft layers that emphasized the waves in her hair.  It flowed softly around her shoulders and down her back in a dark cloud.

Another hour for fingers and toes, thirty minutes for makeup, and then it was time for her appointment with Ana, the aesthetician.   Ana was a no-nonsense woman with a bit of an accent, who was amazing at her craft.  She caused Allegra almost no discomfort as she waxed first her brows, and then her legs. 

“Would you like a personal waxing as well?”   Ana asked as she finished applying the aloe to Allegra’s legs.

She had no idea what the woman was talking about.  “Pardon me?”

“Personal waxing.  In your feminine area.  You’re doing this for a man, yes?”

“Indirectly, I suppose,” she conceded.

She nodded firmly.  “Then you want personal waxing too. It will drive him mad.  I suggest French bikini wax.  Brazilian is too much for first time.”

Eyes wide with shock, Allegra tried to backpedal out of it.  She didn’t know what the terms meant, but when you started talking feminine waxing, all bets were off.  “I don’t really have time for that today, thank you anyway.”

Ana waved off her concern.  “Nonsense.  It take a few minutes.”

Rebellion, she reminded herself.  This is all about defying your previous life.

Drawing a fortifying breath into her lungs, Allegra said, “Okay, tell me the difference.”

♫    ♫    ♫

She had been buffed, shined, glossed and polished into a new woman – or at least a much different version of the same woman. 

Stepping into her dress, Allegra again admired the way the sweetheart neckline emphasized the fullness of her breasts and her narrow waist.  She grinned with pleasure at the long flowing skirt that presented itself as innocent until she took the first step.  It was cleverly assembled from a number of chiffon scarves that drifted freely as she moved, baring her smoothly waxed legs from the top of her thigh to her strappy silver sandals. 

The other smoothly waxed skin she bore made her feel nothing less than decadent.  The soft, lacy red panties she’d bought at Victoria’s Secret stroked against the sensitive and tender flesh with every footstep.

Placing a silver cuff bracelet on as her only accessory, she gave herself a final once-over in the mirror.  Perfectly shaped brows.  Dramatic, yet almost undetectable, makeup that made her skin appear flawless.  Ebony waves gently swaying with each movement she made.

Yep.  Invincible.

She tucked her room key into her cleavage, and allowed a predatory grin to curl her glossy lips.

“Who dares wins, Mr. Sambora.  Who dares wins…”


Anonymous said...

oh Richie...... you have NO idea what you're in for!! can't wait for his reaction!!

great chapter! :D

Anonymous said...

Poor Richie!He is having no option but to be on his knees catching flies all night long!!!!

Kelli (kFrench2) said...

Just loveee the friendship developing between her and Dot!

Richie wont know what hit him! ;) He's going to have a stroke when he sees her LOL. CANT WAIT!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until Richie sees Allegra. He is so going to wan her when he sees her. And Allegra is right, the man is sexy!

mue03 said...

OMG - I think he's a dead man! definitely dead.... ;-))
can't wait for more

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh Richie's in trouble! Can't wait for more!

Audra Thomas said...

“Oh sweetie, men are easy. All you have to do is breathe and wear your hair down. The rest is just to see how many nails you can drive into the coffin.”