Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chapter 40

“Ms. Castanelli, what brings you to us here at the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation?”  Sister Mary gestured toward the guest chair that faced the modest wooden desk, indicating that Allegra should have a seat.  First impressions had her pegged as a no-nonsense woman who didn’t waste much time with formalities.

Allegra followed her into her small, but comfortable office and took the offered chair, crossing her legs as the Sister seated herself behind the desk and distractedly sorted through some paperwork that someone had left for her.

Brushing imaginary lint from her slacks, Allegra carefully recited the litany she’d memorized on the train to Philadelphia this morning.  “Sister Mary, my entire life has been devoted to helping others.  I can’t, and don’t want to, see that changing anytime soon.  Now, the way I help may be different than what it once was, but I’m embracing the opportunity to spread my wings, as it were.  Quite honestly, I need to be needed in order to feel like a productive member of society, and this organization – any organization – needs all the good help it can get.  I believe I can represent the Foundation with the heart and soul that it has become known for because I have both in abundance.”

The nun’s eyes briefly rose from the file she was putting away.  “Very nice speech.  Now what’s the real story?”

Allegra was stunned at the candor and could feel her jaw go slack.   Okay, so that didn’t go very well. This is going to be even tougher than I thought.  “Well the short answer is I need a job.”

She finally gave her full attention as she leaned forward in the unpretentious desk chair with her elbows perched on the edge of the desk.  “Let’s just cut to the chase and you can tell me the whole story right now so I don’t have to spend a lot of time asking obvious questions.  Start with why a woman your age is currently unemployed and go from there.”  Her face was schooled into a mask of impassiveness as she waited to hear what Allegra would say. 

Richie had warned her that Sister Mary was a firecracker - a nice, down-to-earth, matter-of-fact woman with little or no tolerance for bullshit.  He’d told her that her best bet was to shoot straight from the hip and not try and snow the woman.  Wishing she’d heeded his words to start with, she lifted her chin and met her gaze head-on.

“I was a religious sister for almost twenty years, until I had an issue with my Bishop that couldn’t be resolved any other way than by my leaving the cloister.  I was a counselor in the orphanage and there was a girl there that ended up getting tossed over to the State system – despite my repeated concerns and protests – because she didn’t fit the mold of a successful orphan.  She subsequently committed suicide.  I couldn’t in good conscience stay on the same path that allowed that to happen, but I still need to make a difference somewhere.  A family member suggested the Soul Foundation might be a good fit, and here I am.  Do you have any other questions?”

The Sister simply kept her eyes locked on Allegra in what seemed like a silent battle of wills.  Allegra felt as though the woman could see directly into her, but she refused to back down.  She would not, could not, make Allegra feel that she’d done the wrong thing.  If Sister Mary wanted to discuss it further, she would be glad to accommodate her, but there certainly wouldn’t be any apologies.

Sister Mary nodded once, sharply.  “I think we may be able to utilize your services here at the Foundation, Ms. Castanelli.  Please keep in mind that my recommendation is by no means the final word.  The board has final approval on all employment contracts.”

The relief that had started to balloon in her chest was deflated before it took shape.  “The board?  May I ask who makes up the board?”

“Mr. Bon Jovi is the chairman, of course, and there is Mr. Spencer, Mr. Carlin, Mr. Jaworski, Mr. Perna, Ms. Box, Mr. Korzilius and myself.”  Seeing the look of defeat on Allegra’s face, the older woman inquired rather pointedly, “Is there a problem?”

She was still at Jon’s mercy.  She should have known better than to think she could do this without his awareness or consent.  Swearing his wife and his best friend to secrecy wasn’t enough to keep this from him.  He’s right.  I don’t know anything about how real life works.

“No, there’s no problem.  I had just hoped that Mr. Bon Jovi didn’t need to be a part of this process.”

Sister Mary’s eyebrows rose and her mouth set in a reproachful frown.  “I take that to mean you’re acquainted with Mr. Bon Jovi?  Are you a stalker fan looking for a way into his good graces?”

With a laugh, Allegra assured her, “No, I’m not a fan.”

When she didn’t elaborate any further, the Sister prodded, “I have other appointments today, Ms. Castanelli.”

“Jon is my cousin,” she finally confessed. 

The look of interest was plain to see in her features as she laced her fingers together and reclined, the desk chair tipping back slightly.  “I’m going to reiterate my earlier request.  Please don’t make me ask a lot of obvious questions.”

Richie’s words resonated in her head.  Zero bullshit tolerance. 

“I’ve spent the last couple of weeks with Jon on the road, and discovered in the process that we have a tendency to butt heads.”  She rolled her eyes.  “Often.  Jon’s always been like an older brother to me and since I left the cloister he’s been both overprotective and overbearing to the nth degree.  While this is an opportunity that I would relish, I don’t want him hovering over me all the time.  If he doesn’t know, he won’t be tempted.”

“For what reason do you butt heads?”

Allegra flushed, slightly embarrassed at what she was about to say.  “Because we have the same temper when we’re trying to convince someone that we know what’s best.  Turns out we don’t always have the same opinions – particularly when it comes to my personal life.”

For the first time since she’d stepped into the office, Sister Mary smiled.  “His temper is one of his best qualities, as far as I’m concerned.  It makes him passionate about the injustices that need righted in this crazy world of ours.  If you share that trait, then it speaks well of you and makes me just curious enough to want to see if it’s true.  It also makes me curious as to why your personal life is a source of contention, though.”

Fidgeting uncomfortably, Allegra struggled to come up with a politically correct way to gloss over the details.  “I’m a little more adventurous now that I’m not bound by my vows, and he doesn’t think I know what I’m doing.  Plus the fact that I just started dating his guitarist.”

“You’re dating Richie Sambora?”  At Allegra’s nod, she commented, “I’ve met him a number of times and found him to be a genuine, personable man.  I wish you both well.”

Was that a dismissal? “Thank… you.”

“Well, as I said, everything requires board approval, but since Jon isn’t readily available for a few weeks, I’ll see what I can do to make this happen without his personal seal of approval.”  She rose from her chair and extended her hand.  “Ms. Castanelli, I’m anxious to see what we can do together.” 

Firmly wrapping her hand around Sister Mary’s, Allegra urged, “Please.  Call me Allegra.  If we’re going to be working together there’s no point in that kind of formality.”

Sister Mary dipped her head in acknowledgement.  “Allegra, you can expect to hear from me in the next couple of days.  Welcome to the Foundation.”


Seated on the train back to New Jersey, Allegra checked her phone.  It was one o’clock, which meant it was ten in California.  Probably too early to call Richie and share her good news. 

Tapping her foot restlessly, she wished she had brought her headphones with her.  Then she would at least be able to channel her energy into something.  She looked at the face of the phone again, debating.

No, I’m not going to wake him up.  But I know who might already be awake.

A smile stole across her lips as she tapped around in the phone to find the contact information she was looking for.  With a final finger swipe, she dialed waited for the call to connect.. 

“Leeeegs!  How the hell are ya darlin’?”

It was so good to hear David’s voice.  She’d missed him in the short time she’d been gone.

“Hey Dave!  I’m good, how are you?  Are you busy?”

“Never too busy for you.”  She could hear him rustling around with something on the other end, and then a soft ‘whump’ that sounded like something hitting the floor.  “We’re in Arizona.  I feel like a piece of cat shit in a giant litter box.”

Allegra laughed as he’d wanted her to.  “Not a fan of the desert are you?”

“I live in Jersey for a reason, dollface.”  Again, she heard movement on the other end, this time followed by, possibly, the squeak of a chair.  “So, I understand condolences are in order.”

“Condolences?  What for?”

“Sambora said you guys are seeing each other.  I’m so sorry.  If I hadn’t already been taken, I could’ve saved you from the injustice of it all.”

“Dave, in all honesty, I might have taken you up on the offer,” she told him flippantly.  “But since you were taken, I had the chance to really get to know Richie.  So, while I appreciate it, no condolences are necessary.  Maybe Jon’s the one you should be consoling?”

Richie had told her about his talk with Jon, but Allegra had a strong feeling he hadn’t divulged all of the details to her.  Knowing her cousin the way she’d come to, she would bet money that Jon wasn’t exactly overjoyed to have his guitarist dating her.

David coughed a little and cleared his throat.  “Um, so you know about that, huh?”

I do now.

“Some,” she hedged.  “Has he been giving Richie a hard time?”

“No more than usual.  He just snarls like a wounded lion every time someone mentions you, or when Richie gets out his phone.”

“And how is Richie handling it?”

“Darlin’ Richie has been handling Jon for a hell of a lotta years.  He smiles and acts like it doesn’t bother him – and maybe it doesn’t.  What do I know?”

She didn’t want Richie having to put up with Jon’s crap because of her, and she wouldn’t hesitate to inform Mr. Bongiovi of it.  He needed to put on his big boy pants and deal with it.  “Well, if Jon keeps it up he’s going to have to deal with me himself in Vegas.”

“Vegas?  Why Vegas?”

“I’m coming out to Las Vegas for the MGM show,” she told him.  “Didn’t Richie tell you?”

David gave a sardonic chuckle.  “He has neglected to mention it thus far.  Maybe he’s waiting for our fearless leader to chill before he sets him off again.” 

And then he went quiet - absolutely, completely silent.  The line was still for so long, she was convinced the call must have gotten disconnected.

“David, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here,” he said vaguely.  “Hey Legs, you wanna have a little fun?”

A little fun could be a lot of trouble when David was in charge of it.  She had no doubt that his unconventional mind could wreak a ridiculous amount of havoc if he took the notion.  It made her naturally suspicious about what he might have up his sleeve.

“What are you up to now, Joker?”


rutpop said...

Yeah, "What are you up to now, Joker?"
Can't wait to find out, just know it will be good.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I'm scared. What does David want now...?
Don't keep me waiting. Or I'll have to go Jonny on your ass ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I was thinking about what I wanted to say about this chapter as I was reading it, but the question at the end just makes me want to know what David is up to!

(Oh. And I love the interview with Sister Mary. Again, I have to say, I love the way you write Allegra. She's one of the most likable female characters I've ever come across in fiction. I like that she has flaws, and I like that she butts heads with Jon. It makes her real. Great, great job!)

BubbleSheep said...

Well, he's not got the name "Joker" for no reason. Can't wait what prank he's up to.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I wanna know what he's up to as well. I can't imagine it will be anything Richie or Jon will appreciate tho!

Anonymous said...

I feel little sorry for Jon, because Allegra acts behind his back. First with Richie and now with Sister Mary. I understand the reason why, but I feel it's a bit unfair. ;)
But I'm looking forward what kind of prank David's up to. He is hilarous. LOL


Kelli (kFrench2) said...

Sister Mary is one tough lady! Even "I" was nervous for Allegra lol. Hmmm.. wonder what David has up his sleeve?? ;)

Cant wait for the next chapter!

fivefivegenie said...

“Very nice speech. Now what’s the real story?”

Love it!

And it took me a minute to remember what the prank Joker has in mind is... yeah, he can wreak an enormous amount of havoc. Don't know how his brain works that way yet he still seems to get away with it! LOL