Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Note from blushnscarlet

Well, it was a cold Sunday in January, and I was checking my daily Google alert for 'sambora'.  The alert for this particular day didn't just have news articles - there was a blog called 'Second Chances' listed way down at the bottom.  My curiosity was piqued, so I clicked and found myself in the middle of  a story about the men of Jovi (thanks Liz!).   I hadn't known there WAS such a thing and immediately began Googling Bon Jovi fan fiction.  I found the likes of authors norwichliz, The Goddess Hathor, Fiction Mistress, JohnnyRichie'sGina, etc., and subsequently spent the next six months with my head in my laptop reading everything I could find. ( I'll be honest, I even called in sick to work one day while I was in the middle of Blood Relatives).  I spent so much time involved in it that my best friend told me I should write my own.  So I thought I'd give it a try (thanks Steph!).  

To date, you've seen the first three chapters at my first and only attempt at fan fic.  My only attempt at creating a story from my own imagination and creativity.  It takes a lot of courage to put it out there the first time, so kudos to you ladies that do it on a regular basis! :0) 

Now with all of that being said, I really just wanted to thank each of you who have encouraged me either in person, or through Twitter, e-mail or comments.  Your feedback has meant SOOO much to me and it inspires me to keep going with this little addiction of mine.  (which is good, because I think Allegra has developed a life of her own and is just using me to tell her story... LOL!)  So, from the bottom of my heart... thank you, thank you, thank you - and I hope you continue to enjoy my posts.  


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of fan fic. Congrats on your story! (p.s. and Blood Relatives - I still re-read that one all the time)

rutpop said...

I am enjoying your story and you are doing a great job so far. Looking forward to more. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your sight and I have to say I like it. Can't wait to read more!! LOL

klj125 said...

I'm VERY late to the party, but forever grateful ALREADY that you had the courage to put yourself out there Carol!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have A LOT of catching up to do! Call in sick, hmmmm! =)

Y said...

I am even later, I cannot believe that I missed this story for so long and have over 150 chapters to read, it feels like an early Christmas present.

Fab start looks like I have new plans for the weekend