Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chapter One

Bright sunlight danced along the occasional snowdrift, creating an illusion of warmth on the cold February afternoon as Allegra Castanelli guided her trusty Toyota Camry along the residential streets of Red Bank, New Jersey.  After living the last three weeks in a state of upheaval, she had high hopes for her immediate future, but those hopes were pinned on a stubborn, unpredictable Italian man. 

Approaching her destination, she cautiously applied the brakes in deference to any unseen patches of ice.  With the car safely at a standstill, her remarkable Sicilian blue eyes, very much like those of the man she was about to call upon, took in the ornate wrought iron gate marking the entrance to the Bongiovi estate. Even in the dead of a New Jersey winter, the grounds were immaculate, as the occupants here would accept no less from their groundskeepers.    

The frigid air swept into the vehicle as she guided her gloved hand to the buzzer that would announce her presence outside the gate.  On the various occasions that she had visited the residence over the years, she’d never had occasion to experience the feeling of trepidation that overwhelmed her today.   Pleasant family gatherings were the norm for trips to this home by the Navesink River, with the most recent of those being a traditional Christmas dinner about six weeks ago.

Fingering the small gold cross around her neck, and engrossed in the memories, she was startled when the gate swung inward, silently bidding its welcome.  Maneuvering her vehicle slowly along the driveway, her mind continued to mull over the possible outcomes she might expect today.

She and her cousin Jon had always enjoyed a close relationship.  While time constraints and life circumstances may have afforded them less time together than some families, they shared an undeniable bond.  He had more often than not acted like a big brother to her instead of a cousin, but in Italian families it was sometimes hard to tell the difference anyway.   And his reaction to the reason behind her visit here today?  He would think she was crazy.  That was a given, but after that anything was possible.  He could understand and support her wholeheartedly, or - and she didn’t really want to consider this – he could say that he wanted no part of it and was disappointed in her. 

Not wanting to encourage negativity, she straightened her spine, lifted her chin and offered up a silent prayer as she guided the car next to the front entrance of the French chateau-style mansion.   It’s certainly his prerogative not to help me, but I’ll just find some other way to accomplish my goals.

Her handsome cousin was just stepping out of his home – the famous Jon Bon Jovi smile in place - looking genuinely pleased to see her.  After dusting a bit of imaginary lint from her black slacks, she steeled her resolve and pasted a smile across her face as he held the car door open for her.

“Frannie,” Jon greeted her with an affectionate hug and kiss on the cheek.  “It’s good to see you sweetheart.”

Allegra shook her head and silently chuckled at the nickname.  Only her close family called her Frannie, since most people didn’t know that her middle name was Frances.  That was another thing she and Jon had in common.

The moderately high heels on her black ankle boots brought her five-foot six frame brought up far enough reach his neck and return the hug, and she kissed him in return.  “It’s good to see you too Jonny!  How’ve you been?”

“You know me, I’m always busy,” he said with a grin and placed his hand at her waist to escort her into foyer, where Dorothea was waiting.

“Hello Dot, how are you?” Allegra greeted Jon’s wife of twenty-one years with a quick yet sincere hug.  The women had never really had the opportunity to become close, but they had always been friendly. 

“Frannie, it’s so nice to see you!  To what do we owe this pleasant surprise?”  she asked with a warm smile.

“Jesus, Dot, let the girl get her coat off first,” Jon scolded as he helped Allegra with the garment. 

“Oh shut up!” his wife playfully grouched back at him.

Laughing, Allegra slipped off her scarf and gloves, allowing Jon to take the wool pea coat from her shoulders.  Tucking her long ebony locks behind her ears, she joked, “At thirty-eight I’m old enough to be two girls!”

“Yeah, well you’ll always be nine years younger than me, so that’s just a girl in my book,” he assured her.  “Why don’t you ladies head into the living room while I hang this up?”

The two women did as he suggested and moved into the ornately decorated, yet surprisingly comfortable living area.  Dorothea seated herself in a side chair, while Allegra settled herself on the sofa, asking about the children.  They casually chatted back and forth, exchanging pleasantries until Jon re-joined them a few moments later.

“Well Frannie, what does bring you by?  Is this just a visit or did you have a particular reason for coming to see us?  You know you’re always welcome here, but you usually don’t take advantage it, so you’ve got me curious,” he admitted.

Here goes nothing, she thought to herself as simultaneously gathering both her words and courage in one more deep breath.  “Jon I have a proposition for you,” she began.

With his eyebrows raised in curiosity and surprise, Jon nodded, inviting her to continue as he glanced across the coffee table at Dot with questions in his eyes.  Did she say anything to you?  Do you know what’s going on?  Dot merely lifted one shoulder in a slight shrug, indicating that she had no idea as to what was about to happen.

Allegra clasped her hands together in her lap as she sat up a little straighter and met his gaze head on.  “Well, honestly it’s more of a favor than a proposition.”  Her eyes never left his as she considered yet again the best way to phrase it.  How could she convince him that this just wasn’t some harebrained idea? 

“Okay, before I just blurt this out, I want you to promise that you will seriously consider what I’m saying.  Don’t just blow it off because you think it’s crazy.  Can you do that for me?”  After receiving his nod of acquiescence, she hesitated briefly before placing her request squarely in his lap.  “I want to go on tour with you.”   So much for finesse and planning, she thought wryly.

To say that Jon was stunned would be an understatement.  “You want to WHAT?”  Flabbergasted was probably a better word than stunned.  “You've got to be kidding me.'  He looked at her as though she'd suddenly developed a third eye in the middle of her forehead.  "Go ON TOUR...  What the hell are you thinking??’ Yes, definitely flabbergasted.  Of all the things that had gone through his mind, the upcoming Circle Tour didn’t even make the list.  Frannie’s lifestyle did NOT lend itself to traipsing around the world with Bon Jovi.

“I’m thinking that I want to join you and your band on tour.”  She repeated before attempting to further persuade him.   “Jon, you know me.  I’m one of the most conservative and predictable women ever.  This isn’t me suddenly wanting a taste of celebrity life.”  With a small lopsided grin she assured him,  “I haven’t shown up to mooch off of you and have you finance my trip around the world.  I intend to earn my way doing whatever needs done, totally at your discretion.   I just want to broaden my horizons and see some of the world.  Who better to do that with than you?” 

He and Dot had been intently focused on her response, but he clearly still had questions.  “What about – “

“I left two weeks ago,” she interrupted before he got the opportunity to complete his thought.  “We decided it was best for all parties involved.”

His jaw dropped as he leaned toward Allegra, glancing across at Dot with incredulity on his face.  Yep, definitely flabbergasted.  “Are you fuckin’ kidding?  Does the family know?  When were you going to tell someone?  You’re Catholic for Christ’s sake!  You know Catholics take vows seriously.  How do you think you can just walk away after this long?  It’s been what – what? – almost twenty years?”  He looked again at his wife, who was sitting in astonished silence, simply watching the two family members. 

 Allegra offered her meager defense.  “I did take my vows seriously.  This isn’t something I did on a whim, Jonny.  You have to believe that!  But it was time to end it.”  She’d known he would have questions, and had even prepared herself for them, but that still didn’t make it any easier.  “It’s been very amicable, and there are no hard feelings on either side.”  Sighing, she concluded, “Some things just aren’t meant to be.”

“Really? That’s it?  You’re telling me it wasn’t meant to be?”  He shook his head, not believing what he was hearing.  She anxiously attempted to decipher the expression on his face.  It appeared as though there was no anger there, just a true look of bewilderment.  “I don’t know how you think I can just accept this without a little more than ‘it wasn’t meant to be’.  Make me understand Frannie,” he insisted.

Frustration colored both her eyes and her tone.  “I can’t MAKE you understand Jonny.  All I can tell you is that things happened.  Things beyond my control.  Things that I’m not ready to talk about.  Things that changed me and, now, the direction of my life.”  Her eyes pleaded with him.  “I NEED this Jonny.  Please.  Can’t that be enough?”

Dorothea had heard all she needed to hear.  Technically, this was business and, under the agreement she and Jon had come to years ago, that meant it was entirely up to him.  She made all executive decisions when it came to the house and kids, while the business was his domain.  Being quite content with the arrangement, she never so much as offered an opinion when it came to his business decisions.  However, today was about to become the exception to that rule, as she uttered four simple words with an air of authority:   “Just do it Jon.”

He and Allegra both turned in surprise, but her fiercely determined gaze was meant for him alone.  It was evident that she assumed her wishes would be respected, and made it virtually impossible for him to say no.  He raked his hand through his dark blonde tresses as he searched for a way – any way – to gracefully extract himself from the situation.  Dammit!

Allegra sat patiently, fidgeting with the hem of her sweater as husband and wife engaged in a silent standoff.  Coming to an unspoken understanding with Dorothea, Jon directed his eyes toward his cousin,  as he recalled bits and pieces of their conversation. Things that I’m not ready to talk about.  Things that changed me. She was the closest thing he had to a little sister, and his sense of duty and family needed to be soothed.  "First things first.”  He tenderly smoothed her hair back from her face and stroked her cheek.  Gently tipping her chin upward, he scrutinized her, attempting to see into her soul.  “Are you okay?  Do I need to pay him a visit?"

His heart broke at the pain that flooded her eyes before determination took its place.  Blue eyes met blue as she softly, yet certainly, replied, “I'll be fine.  It may take a little while, but I will be. There’s no need to visit anyone."

Sighing, he lowered his lashes and ached for the hurt she was burying deep inside.  What the hell choice did he have?  Who was he to deny her an opportunity to find a fresh start while she healed?  The choice had already been made; he merely had to acknowledge it.    “The tour starts in Honolulu on the 11th, but we’re leaving on the 8th.  That’s only six days away.  Can you be ready?”

 Allegra threw her arms around him in an exuberant embrace, mouthing a silent thanks to Dot over his shoulder.  “I can be anywhere you need me to be, Boss!  I promise you won’t regret this.” 

He extracted himself from the bear hug, snorting derisively.  “I seriously doubt that sweetheart, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

She was just about to rejoice in her good fortune when another thought occurred to her.  Easing back in her seat to rest against the sofa cushions, she pondered whether or not she should even mention it.  It probably wasn’t the best idea to push her luck when he’d literally just given her the world. Oh well, why not?   “Jon?  There’s just one more thing…”

Rolling his eyes dramatically he asked, “Oh my God, what now?  You’re going to become a diva and sing with us?” The sarcasm was tempered by an affectionate smile.

“Don’t be silly!  Of course I’m not!”  She smiled sweetly as she teased him a bit. “Well not yet anyway…” 

Sobering, she continued, “But seriously, this is just a little thing.  Almost nothing really.”

“Just spit it out, Frannie.” 

She hesitated only a moment before forging ahead.  “Well it’s that, actually.  I’d prefer that you not call me Frannie from now on.”

Confusion was evident in his features once again.  “Okay, I’ll bite.  Why?”              

Dot emitted a quiet chuckle, as she quickly comprehended the reason behind this particular request.  “I think I’ve got this one.  Okay?”  Receiving Allegra's assent, she casually asked Jon, “So, honey, when’s the last time you mentioned any family news to Richie or the guys?  You know, just in casual conversation."

 “I don’t know.  Last week? You know we always ask about each other's families.  What difference does that make?”

Dot proceeded patiently with her line of questioning, “And who is your favorite cousin?  Frannie, right?"  At his acknowledgement of the statement she continued, “So it's not unusual for you to share bits and pieces of your family's lives with the band, especially the family members you're closest to, right?  I mean, as often as you've probably mentioned her over the years, I'd think the guys feel like they really know Cousin Frannie, don't you think?”

Jon did not appreciate the indirect approach that his wife was indulging in, and irritation was evident in his voice.  “Probably.  Would you get to the point already!” 

“Oh come on Jon, surely you can figure out that she wants to meet these people and let them get to know her – not just think they know her based on what you’ve told them.  ALLEGRA will have the opportunity to do that, but Cousin Frannie will be typecast before she ever steps foot on the plane,” she concluded in a manner that dared him to contradict her.

Allegra nodded with an appreciative look at Dot, grateful for her insight and support.  “She’s right Jon.   I don’t want anything that they may already know affecting how they treat me.  As a matter of fact, we could just leave out that I’m your cousin altogether.  I could just be a family friend or something.”

There was no hesitation in his response.  “No!  I will call you Allegra instead of Frannie, if it’s what you want, but that’s as far as it goes.  You ARE family and everyone will know it and treat you with the respect that is due all family members in my organization.”  The finality of his tone and the stony set of his jaw offered no room for negotiation.   Dot dipped her chin, indicating to Allegra that it was the best she could hope for.

A smile of satisfaction stole across her face like a ray of sunlight, and exhilaration coursed through her veins.  This is really going to happen!  I’m going to see the world, meet people and have an unbelievable amount of new experiences!   I can't believe he said yes!!  Outwardly she simply stated, “I can live with that.”


Donna N. said...

Welcome to the land of fan fiction- very very good start . I now have something to look forward to on mondays

Anonymous said...

Loving this already!! This is gonna be quite an adventure! & on a side-note, love seeing Dot here & NOT as an ex-wife LOL, (not that I can complain since I wrote her that way hehe) ;)

Can't wait for more!! xx

The Goddess Hathor said...

Great start! The comments don't show up though -- they're the same color text as the background :)

CelticCross said...

wow! really good start. Seeing as i'm studying and hence not writing the least i can do is read...